



LearnMusicTheory.com is a home for a complete college music theory curriculum. It includes four semesters of university study (according to the U.S. University system) taught by actual music professors from various colleges and universities. The program contains over 400 hours of content, worksheets, practice tests, and more.

5-Star Courses Listed on IAOMEI

Music Theory Program

Music Theory Program

Music Theory Program Author: J. Anthony Allen (Member), Slam Academy (Institutional Member) In this online class, we will focus on learning how to organize pitches and rhythms to make dynamic and interesting melodies and harmonies. No experience with music theory, playing an instrument, or reading music is necessary. We will be focusing on how to use your DAW as your ...
Sound Design Program

Sound Design Program

Sound Design Program Author: James Patrick (Member), Slam Academy (Institutional Member) In this program, you will be guided through everything you need to know to create incredible sounds from scratch. From huge growly basses to laser-focused leads to punchy drums - Sound Design is the thing your tracks are missing to make them unique and memorable. After this class, you ...
Ableton Live Program

Ableton Live Program

Ableton Live Program Author: James Patrick (Member), Slam Academy (Institutional Member) Ableton Live is the premier production and performance software on the market. Our Ableton Live Program is a six-month plan designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of this powerful and versatile tool. Every student leaves with the ability to produce music in any genre, under any circumstances. Description: ...

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