Ultimate Ableton Live 10


Ultimate Ableton Live 10

Author: Dr. J. Anthony Allen (Member)

In this course, we will use the real-world experiences of the award-winning instructor and university music business professor Dr. Jason Allen. But don’t be worried – Dr. Allen is best known around campus for keeping things simple, accessible, and useful.


In this course, we will use the real-world experiences of the award-winning instructor and university music business professor Dr. Jason Allen. But don’t be worried – Dr. Allen is best known around campus for keeping things simple, accessible, and useful.

Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a “Mover and a Shaker,” and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. 


In this class we are going to focus on using Ableton Live 10, and every aspect of the program. We will focus on how to do everything possible in Ableton Live, and you will finish this course as an expert in Ableton Live 10. Whether you have experience already in music production or not, this is the ultimate class to learn how to use the Ableton Live 10 software for any genre of music.

ULTIMATE ABLETON LIVE 10 COMPLETE: PARTS 1, 2, AND 3 is three courses in one: It includes Part 1: The Interface & The Basics, Part 2: Recording & Warping, and Part 3: Editing & Producing. 

I will be making 6 (six!) complete classes in order to bring you the most comprehensive manual on Ableton Live production techniques ever created. Each class has Sets, sessions, and experiments for you to try on your own and follow along with.


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