Drum Programming Masterclass


Drum Programming Masterclass

Author: Dr. J. Anthony Allen (Member)

The secret weapon of music making that will take your tracks from good to great.


This is a class designed for music producers who are ready to get serious about drum programming. The art of programming drums on a MIDI grid, in drum machines, or with audio files can be tricky to master, but when you finish this class, your tracks will have the extra energy that comes from professional drum tracks.

Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a “Mover and a Shaker,” and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. 

I’ll be using Ableton Live and some Logic in this course, but it will be easy to following along on whatever program you are most comfortable with. We will start the class off with basic rhythm theory, and learning where (typically) we put the kick, the snare, and the hi-hats. Then we will learn to adapt that pattern to work for a number of different styles.

DRUM PROGRAMMING MASTERCLASS, COMPLETE is a comprehensive class – that means there are three (3!) different classes that together make the complete sequence. This is the COMPLETE sequence, and includes all of parts 1, 2, and 3.

Also in the class we will be doing a number of analysis projects. That just means we will load up some tracks, and re-construct the beat in the track. Doing this will help us to see how those beats are built, and guide us in making our own beats.



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